These detailed Digital Illustrations present a more accurate view of the Director's vision of the film.

The real-time collaboration between Director Thunder Levin working in Santa Monica, and Concept Designer Dylan Cole working at Industrial Light & Magic in Northern California is surely a sign of the times. Thunder was able to send his "thumbnail" sketches, receive preliminary proofs and suggest changes, and see Dylan's revisions only moments later.

The Robot discovers the crashed ship.

Here we get our first look at the foreboding terrain of the uncharted planet

The Robot spies on Jenny unawares.

Or is she...?


The Compound; the Robot's solitary home for 100 years.

Matt tries to climb out of the cave in which he's a prisoner.



Principal Designs

Matt & Jenny's Space Yacht

Early Robot Design Sketch

Final Robot Design


Conceptual Illustrations

Conceptual Artist Robert Moore's dynamic sketches provide a feel for the action of the film, and the malevolence of the harsh planet and it's lone occupant. Their emotional content brings the story to life during investor presentations and helps communicate the director's vision to the cast & crew.

The Robot appears...
...and Jenny, with an injured Matt, sees him for the first time..


The Robot attacks Matt. Jenny flees.

The Robot reads poetry. Matt & Jenny attack the Robot.


These are preliminary storyboards which may or may not be used in the production.

Storyboards are not necessarily used for the precise design of shots, but rather to ensure that cast and crew are all "on the same page", knowing what actions will be filmed and which elements will appear in each shot.


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